Category Archives: 12 days of Crisp-Moss

On the 5th Day of Crisp-Moss…

On the 5th Day of Crisp-Moss, my panda cam did see…

FIIIIIVE cuppycakes!

FIIIIIVE cuppycakes!



On the fifth day of Crisp-moss, my panda cam did see:

F-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-VVVVVE Cuppy-Cakes!
four pandas sneaking,
three triplets napping,
two Meihems plotting


a Pinky in a Hemlock Tree!

Be the Bear!
Bob T. Panda

On the 4th Day of Crisp-Moss… panda cam did see…

The 12 Days of Crisp-Moss presents: On the 4th Day of Crisp-Moss!

four pandas sneaking...

four pandas sneaking…

...and a Pinky in a Hemlock tree!

…and a Pinky in a Hemlock tree! ( In case you enjoyed #OccupyHemlock)

Okay, everybody sing with me…
On the fourth day of Crisp-Moss, my panda cam did see:

Four Pandas sneaking,
Three Triplets napping,
Two Meihems plotting,
A Pinky in a hemlock tree!

Isn’t this fun?

Be the holiday bear and don’t drink too much eggnog!
Bob T. Panda

On the 3rd Day of Crisp-moss…

I am completely innocent, I tell you. I spent much of the day working on the next couple installments of The 12 Days of Crisp-Moss, with absolutely no knowledge that Princess Pinky Bao Bao (the actual Princess Pinky Bao Bao) was staging a sit in at the top of her beloved hemlock tree.

Unlike the San Diego Zoo, which is a closed area, the National Zoo is open to a large park (which name escapes me at the moment) and so the animals must be secured in their private behind the scenes enclosures before their attendants can call it a day, and go home and put their very tired feet up.

So, when Princess Pinky decides she does not want to come down….

I think she is trying to beat Tai Shan’s record.

Meanwhile, on with the 12 Days of Crisp-moss:

On the 3rd day of Crisp-moss, my panda cam did see…

I swear, I had nothing to do with Pinky's let night sit in.

I swear, I had nothing to do with Pinky’s late night sit in.

Be the Bear (and come down from there, OK?)
Bob T. Panda