…but you can’t make them behave themselves.
You know the old saying, you can bring a bear to culture, but you can’t make them learn the ancient rites of the tea ceremony, but that doesn’t stop Bob from trying to bring culture and refinement to the panda kindergarten. I can hardly write that last sentence without snorting and giggling madly. Some how, “culture and refinement” used in the same sentence as “panda kindergarten” invokes the image of merriment and …um…Meihem.

You can lead a bear to culture, but….
Hmmm…Bob will have to call on his inner panda to recover from this learning experience with the panda kindergarten. As you may have noticed, Pinky and the Meihems are now full members in good (or is that bad?) standing in the panda kindergarten. Pinky was a first round draft pick.
I can’t let the Martin Luther King Jr. Holiday go by, without mentioning that it marks my 27th year of creative self employment. While I have had to be even more creative in the last six years in the making a living part, it has been an excellent ride, and I wouldn’t have it any other way. In fact, had the economy not gone sideways, panda satire might never have come into existence! And isn’t that a thought that would keep you up at night?
Keep Being the bear. I couldn’t do it without you.
Bob T. Panda
I love this one so much! Bob T looks so handsome in his kimono. But the panda kindergarten – balancing precious tea cups on their heads!! Thank goodness for Mehitabel saving one cup.
Congratulations on 27 years of creative self employment – Huzzah! What an amazing milestone 🙂
I don’t want to think of a world without The Panda Chronicles. That would be too much to bear.
As you probably realize, this is the cartoon for Bob’s tea Ceremony cuppycake, and on Sunday, his Afternoon Tea cuppycake cartoon will be unveiled! Huzzah! There is no day so gray that it can’t be brightened by a visit from the panda kindergarten.
Bob always wants to think the best of the panda kindergarten….
Yes, and quite frankly, I am puzzled as to where his optimism arises from! It is rather touching isn’t it? Mehitabel is a realist in matters of all things pandy kindy, so we have balance of a sort. I thin k this idea has it’s roots in Charlie Brown and his belief that someday, Lucy will hold the football still so he can kick a field goal and win the game. Hope springs eternal, and that is a wonderful thing.