Welcome to episode 12 of Pinky in Wonderland. I have been remiss in brushing up on my Lewis Carroll, but never fear, we will get through this story, even if it is in bits and pieces. I have so many books on my coffee table, crying out to be read! The latest version of the enemies list coming out of Pinky and Bubba’s home town is distracting to say the least.
I bet Pinky has an enemies list, and I bet I know who’s on it!
But enough about reality! The world has truly gone crazy and while I have recovered from my recent flu, I think in bed, under the covers, with the pillow over my head is the best place to be.
Meanwhile, back at the rose garden….

Wouldn’t it be better if dey was a very dark shade of pink????
Panda On!
Bob T Panda
Rose pink is a lovely color, just saying… although a deep red rose like Oklahoma is fabulous too. And at times like these with the news so maddening and depressing at the same time, spending time in a rose garden is balm for the mind and spirit. My problem is that once I get under the covers with a pillow over my head my brain won’t shut up about what the Orange Menace and his minions are doing.
Yes, I would just quit listening but I feel like needing to know what the orange menace and his evil minions are doing is essential. No covers over my head for me, I guess. Best to wander around in the garden and smell the roses to gird myself for the coming battle. (also frosting.)
Oh, Anne!!! I’m so glad you are recovering from your flu!!!! It’s never fun to be sick!!! Peace be with you … HUGS from me!!!!!
Thank you! I seem to be fully recovered and went to a fun outdoor party where I lawn danced to a live rock and roll band. Good times!
Oh dancing 💃 on a lawn during a party. How wonderful summer is in the Pacific Northwest. You know that one day during the month of August in Western Washington that is our summer 🌞, LOL. What I wouldn’t give to see the beloved Panda-in-Chief enjoying the glorious day. So pleased you are better; continuing healing thoughts sent from me to you. I found a direct line from North Carolina to my heart ❤ state.
Hope you are well!
My ears and whiskers—dancing in the moonlight (my addition) after flu stuff to a rock and roll band! Proud of you! Don’t relapse! Love all the toons! Be careful of that old devil moon! Thank you for all the back toons! “Workysit” is my new word! Loved it the first time around!
Yep, seem not to be relapsing, but oh! The smoke coming down from Canada! Stayed inside all day with the windows closed. No way to spend the last glorious days of summer around here!
We are hot, humid, hazy weather in Washington, DC. Lots of intrigue with the outcome of Manafort trial plus Cohen doing a plea deal. Two more down. And no parade. Lost too many former students in our various wars to give Mr. Heel Spurs a parade. There are the Congressional Republicans to deal with, but we must vote in November and vote Blue. I felt good for the first time in a long time. Take good care of yourself. No relapses! I gets to workysit today. Love that word!
AS Pinky will tell you, there is nothing like a good work-sitting session!
Intrigue abounds, and getting more “interesting” by the minute! If you haven’t discovered the podcasts Pod Save America, Mueller She Wrote, and Chris Hayes’ Why Is This Happening? and Amy Siskind’s The Weekly List I highly recommend them for some excellent analysis on what’s happening and why.
Time to vote the swamp out!