…at least for a little bit!

What will happen next?!?!?!?! When will it happen?!?!?! Who knows??????
Be the Bear
Bob T I just got back from Atlanta Panda
What will happen next?!?!?!?! When will it happen?!?!?! Who knows??????
Be the Bear
Bob T I just got back from Atlanta Panda
Do bears know how to sign their names? If schools are no longer teaching cursive writing, how does anyone these days learn how to sign their name??
Those are both really good questions.
Not sure why everyone is worried about getting poofed. They’ve all been poofed at least twice already. How much worse can it get?
Maybe it’s one of those things that is cumulative and worse each time you get poofed. Or maybe not. I’ll have to ask Pinky. PPJ is pretty fast to poof now, ask questions later!