Or is that Trick and Trick? Here’s one of my favorites from the archives. Note: this cartoon was done before Princess Pinky arrived on the scene, but I think this little panda was the model for her exalted Pinkness.

Surprise! Where’s my treat?
Note to fans of Inspector Panda, He’ll be back with the exciting continuation of The Case of the Picturesque Panda, in time for 31 Days of Pandas, coming to you LIVE! in December! That’s right, 31 whole days of panda fun. Can you stand the wait?
Be the bear, and um…wanna trade this Baby Ruth for a Dark Chocolate Milky way?
Bob T. Panda
I’d respond to “Gimmee a treat now!” if the kid was as cute as that cub.
I despair of the pandy kindy ever learning better manners. Sigh…they’re just so darn cute I let them get away with everything. My bad.
I am sure your kid self was very cub-like. We adults have stolen a children’s holiday anyway.
My kid self was the sensible panda who walks down the stairs holding the handrail, but really wanted to be the panda who slide down the bannister backwards. As an “adult” I try to eat cuppycakes whenever possible and try to recapture my inner cubbie.
Trick AND Treat!! Those cheeky cubbies 🙂
And how very Halloweeny – a Princess Pinky Doppelgänger!!