Yes! at last! here it is! The next episode of A Halloween Carol, starring that precious peripatetic panda, Princess Pinky, in her most challenging role to date, that of a mean, demanding, panda that… oh yes, that’s true. This is not a terribly demanding role for Pinky.
But meanwhile, she has been wreaking havoc in Washington DC by coloring the White House Pink. OK, sure, they may SAY that it is to celebrate Breast Cancer Awareness month, but we know better, don’t we?
So now, without further ado, here is the next episode of A Halloween Carol (staring you know who!)

Hey! Who said Wu could poof things?
And for those who haven’t yet heard, Book 6 of the Panda Chronicles has arrived! Huzzah! Check it out and order your copy here! And if you already have received your copy, consider writing a review on Amazon, good, bad, or otherwise. Pandas are standing by!
Be the bear and support the Cake Party! Remember, if there is no cake, it isn’t a party!
Bob T Panda