Well, I’m am running low on photos of Mini Bob from his London trip, so I will save those for days that I don’t have a cartoon to go with the the post of the day.
This year has been a hard year, not just because so many things about our future are in peril, due to the results of the 2016 Presidential Election. We lost so many luminaries from both the public and private sectors. Leonard Cohen, whose music provided the soundtrack of my tortured late teens and early 20’s, David Bowie, Prince, Gene Wilder, who is one of my all time favorite actors, Alan Rickman, who I grew to know in more roles than just Professor Snape. How could you be gone? There are so many more who departed this year, I can’t even name them all.
And then there are those from the home front who have left us all on our own. Sheryl Goldfinger, an artist and all around lovely person, this week succumbed to cancer after several rounds of treatment and remission. She will be missed in our small community, and by all who knew her. The only good thing is that she does not have endure 4 years of trumptastrophe. But bad that we don’t have her to keep us from going down that particular rabbit hole. Say “hi” to Alan Rickman for me, okay, Sheryl?
“Hell is empty and all the devils are here*”

As you know, pandas are big fans of Shakespeare.
Panda On, wherever you are are.
Bob T Panda
- WM Shakespeare