Pinky makes the spontunerous decision to follow Mr. Bun down the rabbit hole! What is waiting for her there? Was this smart? Was this prudent? What will happen?
And, if you are just tuning in, you can start with episode 1 here.
Well, if you’d post the darn ‘toon, we’d all know, wouldn’t we???

Sometimes being spontunerous can get you in over your head, Pinky!
And speaking of spontunerous, I thought that this comment posted by Jeannie on last Friday’s post had so much good information about voting, that it bears (bears! Get it?) repeating, in case you didn’t see Friday’s comments!
If you’re not a voter, make the spontunerous (that’s a Pinky word) decision to get registered and get ready for the November 2018 midterm elections! Pew Research says, “since 1842 the President’s party has lost seats in 40 of 43 midterms — the exceptions being 1934, 1998 and 2002.” Midterms are a great for “expressing dissatisfaction with the president’s performance or ensuring that his party doesn’t control all the levers of government.”
470 seats in the U.S. Congress (35 Senate seats and all 435 House seats) are up for election on November 6, 2018. You know your vote can make an impact!,_2018
Voting can be overwhelming — so many boxes to check! Check out helpful voter tools like:,,,, to make voting easier for yourself. Panda on!
And a big thanks to all who went out and marched yesterday to show your support for #FamiliesBelongTogether! I attended a small but sincere gathering in Coupeville WA, of just a couple hundred people, but I saw pictures from Seattle, DC, and many of the other large marches and they were awe inspiring! Dis. Will. Not. Stand!!!!!
Bob T we shall overcome Panda
PS: It’s Canada Day today! Happy Panada Day to our neighbors from the north! get those guest rooms ready in case…um…any of your panda satirist friends have to make a speedy retreat!

Oh Panada, Oh Panada, how tasty are your maple leaves….
Oh, Canada
Our country’s in a state,
We don’t know how we
ever got to here,
our leader spewing hate.
Oh, Canada
We feel like such a fool.
Would it be okay,
for a little while
we come swim in your pool?
Oh Canada
Your PM is so grand.
Warmly welcoming
The world’s refugees,
a panda in each hand!