We knew it was coming: the trauma of sweet Yun Zi going off to China, after 4 years living with mom, dad, and his self absorbed little brother. Part of the deal we make with China is that all cubs born here get re-patriated to China, after they reach 2-4 years of age. We don’t welcome it, but there is a good reason for it. Because of the small captive population of pandas, It’s important that we don’t have pairings between relatives that are too close.
We recently got word that he’ll be leaving on January 11th, just a few days away. Maybe he’ll leave his little brother his baseball cap.

There’s no place like home…
Just because it’s the way things are, doesn’t mean we can’t make fun of it.
Be the bear,
Bob T. Panda
I thought I posted this but I think it sailed into cyberspace. *Sigh!* Yunnie is about to reveal to Wu the Facts of Panda Life, that he too will eventually return to China and claim his cultural heritage! Right now I can’t even face the fact that Wu will be going to his own enclosure and separate from his beautiful Mom, Bai Yun. Life just won’t be the same.
“wut you mean -‘own enclosure?’ doesn’t wu-self get to stay wif mom always? isn’t der someone wu can talk to ’bout dis? wu tinks he will always be wif mom in da panna chronicles, right, Bob?”
No!!!!! Not the Wu too!!!!!
No, no, don’t worry! Mr Wu isn’t going anywhere, but it IS getting to be that time in a young panda’s life, when he doesn’t get to live with his mom anymore. Unless he becomes one of those post college pandas that can’t find a job and comes home to live with his parents.
I don’t think it’s his brother’s place to tell him about the facts of panda life. I’m sure Mr Wu’s mom will break it to him gently.
The Italians have a word for their 30 year old sons who are unmarried and still at, um , the family dinner table…”mammino”.
Oh, that is not a pretty picture. I hope Mr Wu finds a nice girl and settles down in his own family someday.
sniff, sniff. Another box of kleenix, please! I know it’s a fact of panda life, but that doesn’t mean I have to like it. I’m going to bury my head in chocolate so I don’t think about it, cry baby that I am!
Chocolate definitely helps! It is a sad fact of life that the American born pandas can’t stay here. There are many more citis that would LOVE to have pandas, like for instance, Seattle! But we’d still have the problem of having to get mail order brides from China for them, as everyone here is too closely related.
Aww..its so sad to see Yunnie leave he has such character I will miss his antics muchly! I just hope they let us know how he’s doing or that we get a glimpse once in awhile!♡
I bet we haven’t seen the last of Mr Yunnie, maybe on one of the panda cams, but for sure in photos, since so many in our panda loving midst take trips to China to visit our bears. Of course, he will show up from time to time in our pages here, because…well, just because I can! Huzzah!
I love Yunnie’s baseball cap so much. I hope he leaves it behind as a reminder for his little brother Wu.
Of course he’ll take his Miss Panda Universe poster with him!
Yes, he is rolling up the Miss Panda Universe poster, even as we speak. He is still debating whether he will give his pesky little brother his cap, but I’m guessing yes.