And here is the episode you’ve been waiting for, enlightenment and redemption (and cuppycakes) are sure to follow.
And now, episode eight of It’s a WUnderful Life:

Everytime a bell rings, a panda gets a cuppycake.
Tune in tomorrow for the dramatic conclusion! Huzzah!
Be the Bear
Bob T. Panda
And a big pandy thank you to Vicky Vladic for her line: Every time a bell rings, a panda gets a cuppycake.
Dingaling! More cuppycakes! (Or perhaps cannoli?)
I’m sorry, the bell ringing only works for cuppycakes, unless you are in NY or maybe south Phillie or the Reading Terminal Market.
Mr Wu is soooo cute 🙂 I love when he says he will love all cubbies – “ebben gurl cubbies!”
Have to go! I hear a bell ringing and I want cuppycakes!!
Hmmmm…wonder where you’ll find some cuppycakes! Huzzah! Mr Wu has had some adventures this year, hasn’t he?