I’m pretty sure this is not going to end well. The jig is really and truly up. It is hard to hide your misdeeds from the supernatural world and these spirits are not pleased. And this is just the ghosts of Halloween PAST!!!! What will happen when we get to present and future?
I shudder to think. So, let’s get right to A Halloween Carol, part six!

Hmmm… Pinky still does not seem impressed. Perhaps the ghost of Halloween present will have more influence over her.
I’m sure if Charles Dickens knew about pandas, he would have put a couple of them into one of his books.
Be the Bear!
Bob T. Panda
Oh,Oh, I see trouble on the horizon…
Ha ha! Think so?
No wonder my Boo-Mints were so late! Oh, Princess Pinky!
Urp…um…we seem to be out of Boo-mints. Sorry.
Has Pinky really learned her lesson? Or does she just want more sleep? Can’t wait for the next instalment!!
Hmmmm… Something tells me that Pinky has not yet learned her lesson. Just a hunch. Wednesday brings the spirit of Halloween present. Wonder who that will be.
Can Mr. Bun see the ghosties too? He’s waving at them.
Yes, Mr Bun is a very supernaturally astute little stuffed Bunny. He can see ghosties, and knows what Pinky is thinking. He is angling to be her chief of staff.
Mr Bun is an purrrfect choice for Pinky’s Chief of Staff or Senior Adviser, ‘pecially since he knows what da cubidate is tinking.
One ting is fur sure, under his leadership, NO Meihem will ebber get into da Pink House ‘cept MAYBE on a tour! {And ebben den, dey will probably be on a “very thorough scrutiny list”!}
Tink Mr Bun was waving nite-nite so he could go back to sleep too!
It remains to be seen who burned which bridge where Pinky and the Meihems are involved. That’s the things with girl trios. The waters run deep, with lots of obstacles just below the surface. And when two of them are sisters…..well!
Mr Bun should be an excellent Chief of Staff for Pinky. He is quite intelligent for a stuffed bunny. The Meihems will definitely be on some list or other is Pinky is successful in her White House bid.