The Day After

Okay, I am actually writing this on the day OF the Presidential Election here in the US, so I really don’t know what is going to be the outcome. The news media is doing okay so far,  not making predictions before the polls close on the West Coast. Washington and Oregon both have all vote by mail, but California has a lot of people voting today.  I don’t know what the day after the election is going to look like, I only know that one way or the other, it will be historic and…um…over.

So, with the uncertainty inherent in the situation in mind, here is my ‘toon for the day after election…

day after

Remember the song “The Eve of Destruction”? That’s what today feels like.

Be the Bear
Bob T Panda

Note from the abyss: I can’t believe what I am about to write. I have never felt this much despair over an election result. As I head off to bed, it seems that the worst has happened and Trump is the winner. This is not the first time my candidate did not win the election. I have been disappointed, yes, but I have never felt so much fear and apprehension going forward. Tomorrow will probably look a lot like today. It will take a while before the future takes hold. Maybe all the talk and bluster of arresting his opponents or any one who disagrees with him will all be stopped by people behind the scenes.

I thought that a candidate who wanted to build us up, make life better for the many instead of the few, would prevail. Turns out I was wrong.

Hasta manana, y’all. Right now, this cartoon that I did some days ago seems all too apt, and not funny at all. This man will have the keys to the nukes. Remember that.

21 thoughts on “The Day After

    1. Panda in Chief Post author

      I did not sleep well either. I finally got to sleep after midnight, and then woke up around 4 AM. i so treasure all my friends who I have met through pandas. I know we will get through this somehow, but right now, all I can do is grieve.

  1. Lora Penl Ph.D.

    it’s a dark day with many more ahead … at least TX (where i am) will go in the first wave of nuclear war and it will happen as that clown has an IQ of approximately 06

    1. Panda in Chief Post author

      My inner panda (not to mention my outer panda) is weeping today. We have lived through bad things before, and I can only hope and pray that enough good people will work for fairness in all the places where they are now in peril.

  2. Sandy Reuscher, former Secatary of Interior Decorating

    My attic is available to hide any pandas wanting to avoid deportation.


    I too have a deep depression. I will tune in to the panda & other nature cams in the hope all that is beautiful will not be destroyed by the environmental mismanagement that may now follow.

    1. Panda in Chief Post author

      I hope our feelings of despair will pass. Till then, I’ll be cuddled up with my blankie and Mehitabel.
      We will survive.

  4. Sweetg12651

    I’m terrified. I no longer understand this world I am living in at all. I didn’t sleep much last night either. If anyone took solace in watching the pandacam in the wee hours (Bei was on camera all nite) you would have seen that even our Bei Bei tossed and turned a lot. Thank you for providing this outlet to verbalize my fears and know I’m not alone. I’m doing a lot of praying – for all of us!

    1. Panda in Chief Post author

      Take heart. I am listening to Hillary speak to her campaign right now. I am so sad that this wise, gracious, tough woman will not be leading our country. I have to have hope for our future. Pandas are nothing, if not opptimistic in the face of extinction.

  5. kathy

    I’ve been up since 1.30 am, couldn’t go back to sleep and I’m Canadian! But I have family and friends in the US and let’s face it this will affect all of us. Sadly with the Tea Party extremists in power in the House and Senate now I fear for minorities, for the LGBT community and for women’s rights. And then there is the environment, he’s going to risk the entire planet and all it’s people and species so he can scrap protections to enrich the corporations and give people jobs that will endanger their health. And don’t even get me started on his idiot spawns posing with dead endangered species from their ‘trophy hunts’.

    It’s a sad day today 🙁

    1. Panda in Chief Post author

      I am with you on all of this. I believe we will get through this, and hopefully survive. I’m listening to Clinton’s address, and even now, she is speaking of hope and working for a better world.

  6. Sweetg12651

    On a more positive note, I intend to park myself on a comfy sofa on this rainy day on the east coast (appropriate weather) with my Panda Chronicles books to self medicate. Some junk food and thumb sucking will probably be included.

    1. Panda in Chief Post author

      You have a good day planned. I may emulate. Listening to Clinton’s speech now. What grace in the face of defeat.

  7. Vicky V

    I’m one of the tough pandas that has been fighting to rid her country (Australia) from the right wing scourge that has taken over. I am ready to roll up my paws and help you in your fight. You are not alone! Even if I didn’t have so many wonderful friends in America I would fight. Having people there that I care about just makes me want to fight harder. I will have to consume a lot of cuppycakes to keep my strength up but it is a sacrifice I am willing to make.

    1. Panda in Chief Post author

      Any fight that is fueled with cuppycakes has the potential to save the world. Thank you for your kindess, comments, and support. #WeShallOvercome

    1. Panda in Chief Post author

      Know that you are not alone. I don’t know how much that helps, but I think it does a little. I think I will be scared and sad for some time to come. Please let it not be as terrible as I think it could be. Keep tuning in here. I will try to provide a little light in he darkness.


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