Tag Archives: Ski jump

And Now, From an Undisclosed Location …

It just wouldn’t do to have unauthorized persons (or pandas!) spy on the practice sessions that Team Panda is holding to make sure they are ready to go for the gold! The pandas have a long history (well, since 2008) of competing in the Olympics, and this year is no different.  And now, from an undisclosed location …

Team Panda Goes for the GOLD!!!!!!

Hey! What are you two doing up on top of the ski jump?

Interestingly enough, We just watched the movie about Eddie the Eagle, the young British man who was so fixated about competing in the winter olympics, that he, through great resolve and personal pain and difficulty, managed to train in ski jumping, and while he didn’t come close to winning, it was a very inspiring story about following a dream. It’s out on video, so watch it if you get the chance.

Viva les Pandas!
Bob T Panda