Oh My Goodness, I forgot it was Fabulous Furry Friday!

See what happens when I try to get some actual work done?  I forget all about my duty to provide and perpetrate panda satire upon the world.  What was I thinking?

While the nation still waits for someone to turn the NZ panda cam back on, you can relax, sit back, and get a dose of panda satire to get you through the weekend.  I shall now dive into the archives, and see what looks funny this evening.

"You are right and Wu is wrong...I'll never do it again, mommy."

“You are right and Wu is wrong…I’ll never do it again, mommy.” Perhaps Mr Wu should have thought of this before he shut down the government.

Stay tuned for the exciting conclusion of this story!

I just heard tell that the 2014 Winter Olympics are right around the corner, and that means this years torch bears will be back in action!

The secret lives of the wild panda!

Recent reports of the continuing survival of Tao tao, an actual panda, raised in a semi wild area and released to the wild, is alive and well, and adjusting to life as a wild panda.

Well, till next week when we return with more from the Twinkies and princess Pinky, not to mention the next installment of Mr Wu’s adventure, buy lots of my books and be the bears!

Bob T. Panda



4 thoughts on “Oh My Goodness, I forgot it was Fabulous Furry Friday!

    1. Panda in Chief Post author

      Oh man! I don’t know what came over me. As I went about my day I kept thinking I was forgetting something.
      Well I’m working on Monday’s cartoon right now, and it’s only Saturday. I’m trying to get ahead so I’ll be ready dor December’s 31 days of pandas! huzzah!

        1. Panda in Chief Post author

          27th December? Okay. (you might have to drop a reminder. the old panda brain is not what it once was. And I’ll try not to be late with the pandas again. I’ve now got Monday’s ‘toon done, but don’t ask for it early. Then I’ll have to do another one and I’m trying to get a little ahead for December’s 31 days of pandas.
          Now, if our goobermint would behave themselves so I’m not tempted to do any extra cartoons.


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