A Halloween Carol Part 9

Number nine…number nine… in the ninth episode of A Halloween Carol, we discover what Pinky fears most! But if you are a follower of Pinky and her exploits, I’m guessing that you already know.

The Spirit of Halloweens yet to come is not a spirit to be messed with, right?

The Spirit of Halloweens yet to come is not a spirit to be messed with, right?

Yup, the only thing that Pinky fears is…not being the center of attention the universe. Are you surprised? No, me neither.

Meanwhile in other news, films and photograph of a “Beaver Relocation Program” in Idaho have recently surfaced. We definitely plan to issue a cartoonic response to this news story, so be sure to tune in each week on Sundays and Wednesdays for the latest in panda satire. I think the panda kindergarten was very inspired by this video and is planning something, although I don’t know exactly what. I thought I heard them whispering something about “rat overrun in NYC” and “Mr. Kitty”, but I didn’t catch all of it. Stay tuned!

Don’t forget to come back on Friday, when Fabulous Furry Friday shares vintage halloween cartoons from our archives!

Be the Bear,
Bob T. Panda

PS: don’t forget Book 6 of The Panda Chronicles: We R Endangered is now available! Huzzah! and need we mention they make great gifts? Give the gift of Panda Satire today!

10 thoughts on “A Halloween Carol Part 9

    1. Panda in Chief Post author

      I’m pretty sure she will be back. But meanwhile, Bubba…um…I mean the spirit of Halloweens yet to come…is just giving Pinky back a little well deserved angst. I think Pinky will be back on cam more very soon.

  1. Ann Feldman

    Poor Pinky! She can’t help it! It’s OUR fault that she is, um, a little narcissistic isn’t it? After all, we laughed at all her antics and cheered her on, and we still want her on the cam! By the way I think Bubba’s outfit should include a large bib..maybe with some milk stains on it.

    Book 6 is terrific!

    1. Panda in Chief Post author

      Yes, I suppose we do share some responsibility in creating the persona that is Pinky. Um…perhaps I carry more responsibility than most, but gee, it was so much fun!
      Funny you should mention a bib. I was just working on some new cartoons where he is wearing a bib. We will not saddle him with that forever, because he can’t stay a tiny baby…or maybe he can… We shall see!
      Meanwhile, so glad you are enjoying book 6! I am happy that it is out in the world. Now, to see if I can put together a panda coloring book in time for Christmas! Well, there were a couple hours in the day when I wasn’t doing anything besides…um…sleeping.

    1. Panda in Chief Post author

      Pinky is definitely facing some competition in the cuteness department. Thank goodness I have access to the photos of Pinky taken by her adoring DC fans. I’m sure she will be back on the cams eventually. Till then, it’s a Bubba-palooza.

  2. thewinkycat

    BOO! I’m Baby Merlin’s pet, “Bat-Cat”! But I wants to know, where did Baby Merlin learn dat ebbil liddle laugh? Makes me hide unda the bed!

    “Beaver drop” kind of reminds me of Brasstown, NC’s “New Year’s Eve Possum Drop” (that should be banned!!!), without the drunks, and lack of concern for the possums. At least the Beaver Drop was trying to help the beavers. Geronimo earned his “harem”!

    1. Panda in Chief Post author

      And supposedly, no beavers were harmed, but I believe several of them decided to take a new career path, and went to work on some of those barnstorming air shows that they used to put on in rural areas.

      I think “baby Bubba Merlin” learned the ebil laugh from his sister. She has her work cut out for her.


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