We watched them land…but what was really going on inside the plane…???

The pandas have arrived in the nick of time, even if we can’t see them yet. But knowing they are here, well, I’m going to take that as a sign that life will continue.
And on that note, I REALLY hope all my peeps here have registered to vote and have already voted or have a plan to vote as soon as you can. It becomes more clear every day that TFG is in no condition to order a pizza, let alone be president. It becomes even more clear that the Heritage Foundation/Project 2025 folks are desperate to get him over the finish line so they can install tech bro fascist JD.
Democracy is a process. It is not perfect and it is full of imperfect people. But we can’t let “perfect” be the enemy of the good enough. It is kind of weird to be agreeing with Liz Cheney, but if uber conservative Liz and her dad think that electing Kamala Harris will get us to a place where democracy survives to disagree on policy another day, well, I’m agreeing with Liz.
Let’s support a democracy, where we can host pandas from China, who happen to be the descendants of Mei Xiang and Tian Tian, and the Son of Pinky. I want to wake up on November 6th to a President Harris, who embraces joy and possibility.
Let’s do this. we have 2 weeks.
Be the Bear
Bob T Panda
Here, here Bob!
You are so, so right.
VOTE for Harris.
Also, kisses for Bao Li and Qing Bao.
Many kissy kissies for da little bears!
You hit the nail on the head, Bob. For the first time in 72 er….i meant 22 years, I understood a parties platform and I’m down with it!
Glad to have you aboard!
Welcome to the next generation of pandas!
But is poor sweet (?) Pinky again destined for disappointment as she suffers a defeat? Will she join Timothy the hippo in weeping salty tears?
Pinky has new continents to conquer. I doubt we have seen the last of her.
Not since 1974 have I seen a living, breathing panda in person. I’m going to see those new darlings in 2025 no matter what. What better way to celebrate the year of my 80th birthday. I can hardly wait.
Yes, I have voted. I was there the first day of early voting when the doors opened. I believe 2025 will be a better year for all of us, especially panda fans.
Thank you for voting! I definitely think a visit to our newest pandas is a great thing for you to set your sights on. Life is too short not to see pandas! Happy birthday season, in advance!
Well said. Keep in mind that whatever happens we’ll survive.
I’m not entirely sure we will, but I’m gonna hold out hope and quit listening to anything about polling.