Are you really supposed to run that many electronic thingies at once Pinky? Um…you could cause a blackout or something….

Maybe you shouldn’t plug that many things into an extension cord, Pinky.
Don’t touch my stuff!
Happy Mother’s Day everyone!
Be the Bear,
Bob T Panda
Happy Mother’s Day!
Oh…um…don’t tell mommee, ‘kay?
I think she know already.
Poor Mei Xiang…having to deal with her springtime hormonal fluctuations AND still keep Pinky in line. A panda’s work is never done.
This is hilarious! The triplets are so innocent and naive… They are giving Pinky all she can handle.
I think she will win their loyalty very…um…shortly! They should prove to be valuable minions.
Don’t touch Pinky’s stuff – even if the lights are out!
That’s right! And no matter what aunty Nicole says, this is Pinky’s room and she is not sharing it.
Now that she has a pool and a waterfall, she needs to be extra careful with electrical stuff!
Ooo! Good point! I’ll be sure to…um…mention it to her.
It should be great fun to be a Pinky’s minion, oh, how I would! #PinkyRules #Vote4Pinky
Who WOULDN’T want to be one of Pinky’s minions? Huzzah! Vote for Pinky!