Tag Archives: A to Z challenge

Bee (the Bear) believes in…

…becoming a barnstormer, being the bear (oh, that was too easy) in a bucolic backdrop. Is this a case of bears behaving badly or a bitty beastie who believes she’s a bee, rather than a bear, as she builds a bastille of books, so she can become one with….(tune in tomorrow)???????

Meanwhile, today has been brought yo you by the letter “B(ee)”



And lest the Princess Pinky Bao Bao be offended that she was biffed out of her weekly spot by Bee (the Bear), here is one of her favorite cartoons, especially for you folks who are visiting The Panda Chronicles for the first time:

Bao bao changes panda cub gender

Pinky is VERY powerful. Be afraid, be very afraid, Mr Wu.

And speaking of the letter “B”, how could I forget Babette de Panda?

All My Pandas......

All My Pandas……

Oh, the A to Z challenge is so much fun! One of the bloggers I read regularly, The Art of Not Getting Published, is also participating.  You can check out her posts here. I’m going to  highlight another of my compatriots (or three) in the A to Z each day, so do check them out, because they are panda-approved.

Till tomorrow,
Be the Bear!
Bob T. Panda