It’s My Birthday Too

Well, yesterday was the big party at the National Zoo, with birthday cakes for Pinky and Bubba…um…make that cakes for Pinky and Mei Xiang, since Bubba decided there was way too much hubbub and went back to his den to take a nap and play with some of his presents. We will have a cartoon eventually about the events of the day, but not just yet, because…

The Cake Party Convention is off to a great start!

Yes, the cake party convention has commenced and Pinky is in rare form!

Pinky, please do not get your brother all wound up!

Pinky, please do not get your brother all wound up!

Well, just between you and me, Pinky is not such a bad sister after all, because when they went home that night (which was Bubba’s Birthday Eve) we witnessed this scene in Bubba’s room….

From Pinky to Bubba...his own bunny!

From Pinky to Bubba…his own bunny!

Fortunately, Bubba’s nanny keepers didn’t let Mei Xiang eat the entire cake, and they brought it inside so that he could enjoy it in his den. Pinky, of course, had a great time with her cake, which she didn’t have to share with anyone!

While I couldn’t be at the party, I’m having a great time seeing everyone’s pictures and videos!

Be the (birthday) Bear!
Bob T Panda


16 thoughts on “It’s My Birthday Too

  1. Debbie Brown

    Let’s not forget that big poppa got a cake yesterday too! Feels like poor tian he always gets lost. Thanks to Michele Shire for pictures

    1. Panda in Chief Post author

      It’s true, big Daddy always gets ignored in favor of the kids. But I know he is happy just to get his cake. “Let ’em crowd the kids! As long as I don’t have to share my cake!”

  2. Diana Sutton

    LOL!! Too much fun when birthdays roll around. Pinky CAN be loving to her Bubba….when
    SHE chooses.

    I am loving all the photos of the party too. Wow! What an affair at Lillies. Must get there one day…..

    1. Panda in Chief Post author

      It’s such a fun group! They get to see each other much more often since so many live in or near DC. And Leslie makes the best cuppycakes and cookies! The pictures were so much fun.

  3. Diane Rogers Panda Di

    Also, for adding the videos so we could enjoy the event.

    See you at the Panda Convention in San Diego in 2017. Panda Di

  4. Deb Collett

    My inner panda thinks that not being “there” is not a hindrance … YOUR inner panda knows exactly what is most important: Pinky loves her Bubba. That’s all we need to know. ❤???????????

    1. Panda in Chief Post author

      also, as I watched videos of the massive crowds there, I was not sorry not to be in the throng, but I still would have liked to be at the post zoo panda peeps party at Lillie’s. I wish they would invent teleportation so I could pop in for lunch from across the country.
      And Pinky DOES love her Bubba. Just don’t let it get around. she has a reputation for megalomania to uphold!

    1. Panda in Chief Post author

      Pinky really is a good big sister, deep down. way, way, WAY deep down. Plus, now he won’t keep trying to “borrow” Mr. Bun.

  5. Gina Koo

    Oh my! That was the most frazzled I’d ever seen of Bubba. I was ready to see his beanie take off from his head.
    Pinky will never cease to amaze me, and this time it’s for the good. What a wonderful surprise birthday present for her adorable little brother! <3 Hope Banky Pig won't be jealous of General Bun.

    1. Panda in Chief Post author

      Pinky really does love her little brother. She just doesn’t want it to get out, lest she ruin her reputation. Banky Pig will welcome General Bun, I’m sure. He is that sort of pig.

    1. Panda in Chief Post author

      Being a bear of very little brain, the only thing I can think of is just resubscribing. When ever I ask for help from WordPress, I can’t really understand their answers, so I am not much help there. Hope you find your way back. ???


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