Blinded by the Fluff

We are not quite done with the incident from the debate between Bob, Pinky, and Mittens. Stuff happened! Names were called! Poofing was done! Someone must be responsible!

Um...I had some fluff in my eyes....

Um…I had some fluff in my eyes….

Because I only post 2 new ‘toons a week (I do have a few other responsibilities, you know) sometimes events in the real world don’t quite line up with Panda Chronicle time here, so even though the Meihems have already had their birthday party, it will be happening here, next week or so. We have promised Pinky and Bubba that their birthdays will be celebrated in “real time.” Would you mess with a panda who has a magical wand? I didn’t think so!

Meanwhile, Pinky has a few other shenanigans up her sleeve, before her birthday extravaganza/ Cake Party Convention. Stay tuned!

Be the Bear!

6 thoughts on “Blinded by the Fluff

  1. Carol

    Whaaaat???? You mean to tell me this isn’t the real world and the this isn’t your primary responsibilty? I am so shocked (smiles)

    1. Panda in Chief Post author

      I know! I know! What the heck, right? Well, depending on how things work out in November, I may retreat into the world of pandas completely. Do you think they will let me have my pencils and ink pens in my padded cell?

      1. Carol

        They better let you have them!!!! BTW, I love Pandamorphosis and wrote a review of it on Goodreads ….

        1. Panda in Chief Post author

          Thank you for your review! I am so glad you love Pandamorphosis. I love that story so and hope someday it reaches a wider audience.
          I’m sure some one outside my padded cell will vouch for me and let me keep drawing oandas. Huzzah!


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