Tag Archives: Zoo Atlanta


I can’t remember when I found out that Mei Xiang and Lun Lun were half sisters, but once I did, all sorts of sisterly interactions suddenly became possible! Long talks on the phone, exchanging parenting advice, sending her cubbies to stay with their cousins!

Wait…did you say sending her cubbies to stay with their cousins???!?!?!


I just love their little phone chats!

BTW, I am really enjoying the MAGA melt downs over the whole Taylor Swift thing. I mean…they have really lost their minds! I will admit to a passing familiarity to Swift’s music, via my bedroom radio/alarm. The station (which is about the only one I get on my cheap radio alarm clock in the midst of all the tall trees around here,) plays popular music, of which Taylor Swift is a frequent offering. I will also admit, that despite I am not her prime demographic, I think her music is clever, catchy, and cheerful, and while I’m probably not inclined to go to a concert, I do like her music. Her writing is smart and engaging. She seems to have a good head on her shoulders.

Hearing stories about the bonuses for ALL the people who work for her on her tours, along with charitable contributions, well, that makes me like her more. and that she has embraced politics, and as a young woman with a lot of young women fans, well, no wonder MAGA has set their hair on fire over her. They should know better than to mess with Swift Force One! Oh wait. I forgot. They are really stupid.

I’ve heard through the boo-vine, that Pinky is a fan! This is definitely something to keep our eyes on.

Be the Bear
Bob T #WeAreAllSwiftiesNow Panda

Sisters, Sisters!

Most of my faithful friends and readers here at The Panda Chronicles know that the real life Mei Xiang and Lun Lun are half sisters, sharing their dad, I believe. While Mei Xiang is the picture of responsible motherhood, I somehow always picture Lun Lun as the more flamboyant sister, who has taken on the persona of a southern belle, always sending her last cubbies, the somewhat…um…problematic Six and Sebben off to her sister’s house.

I mean, Meizzy has all these other bears and odd characters hanging out at the DC Panda House, so what does it matter if Lun Lun’s more …um…adventurous daughters are added to the mix, bless their hearts?

Things are about to get interesting down in Pandalanta! Are they ready for it? I guess we’ll see!

Be the Bear!
Bob T Panda

Be sure to check out things over at Substack! Six and Sebben are featured in honor of their 7th birthday!

Hold on to your Bootini! It’s Six and Sebben’s BIRTHDAY!!!

Technically speaking, Saturday September 3rd is their birthday and believe it or don’t, they are turning 6! How is this possible? (Lun Lun: Tell me about it, bless their hearts!)

So, without further ado (or any thoughts about just where the documents that went in those empty top secret folders are…) let’s dive into the archives for the Best (ha ha) of Six and Sebben!

Twinkies 2.0
Twinkies 2.0 put on a show!
Hey! What are you two doing up on top of the ski jump?
Four pandas are better than two.
I don’t think this crew of minions is going to be quite as devoted as her last ones.
Who will win? Six and Sebben battle it out on the track!
What WAS that stuff Six dumped in front of Sebben’s car?
That’s one heck of a lot of ear wax!!!
Well, bless her heart!

I bet this was the last time it was Aunty Mei’s idea for Six and Sebben to visit the DC panda house!

I hope you enjoyed this round up of ‘toons featuring Six and Sebben! we are lucky to still have them in Pandalanta this long. Or maybe China kept saying, “Um, the number you have reached is not in service…please send different pandas if you think you have reached this number in error.”

Be the Bear
Bob T I definitely did not take those classified documents out of those folders Panda

It’s Panda Birthday Season!

It’s panda birthday season for all pandas, but especially for the US born pandas!

And to start out the season, Happy 9th Birthday to the Meihems!!!

Born on July 15th of 2013, more than a month before Pinky, and don’t think they ever let her forget it! Here are some of my favorite ‘toons featuring Bert and Ernie (and probably Pinky, just because!) Can you believe the Meihems and Pinky are about to turn 9?!?!?!?!

Atlanta twin panda cubs Mei Lun and Mei Huan and older prother Po
This was before we knew that the Meihems and Po were girls!

And then this happened…

Bao bao changes panda cub gender
Pinky is VERY powerful. Be afraid, be very afraid, Mr Wu.
school uniforms for pandas
Ready for panda kindergarten!
I love a good art forgery, don’t you?
There must be cake!

Happy Birthday, Meihems! And a reminder, the book about the real life Meihems written by Beth Bacon and illustrated by yours truly is available for pre-order through Amazon and maybe even your local book store! (Not sure about distribution yet). Order your copy of The Panda Cub Swap today!

Slated for a September release date!

Be the Bear!
Bob T Panda

I Wasn’t Napping, I Was…um…Meditating…

Ever since I discovered that Mei Xiang and Lun Lun are half sisters, it has opened my eyes to the relationship between Six and Sebben. How is that, you might wonder…

Funny you should ask…

Now you know why I keep my old style dial phone/landline around! It comes in very handy for those annoying robocalls!

Oh those panda sisters!

A brief procedural note, I had to take down the felty panda page because it wasn’t working correctly. You can still request and order felty pandas. I will try to highlight some here on the main page I try to rebuild a page that actually works! Just remember, my tech knowledge is shallow yet narrow!

Till next time!
Be the Bear
Bob T Panda

The Bikkiesaurus! Available in 3 colors (I like the blue the best, but also available in Yellow and red- scale colors will vary)The red and blue fibers are custom dyed by me! The Bikkiesaurus is available for $64 including shipping all on his own, or for $85 with Bankypigasaurus and the Mr. Bunasaurus! (also including shipping)

It’s Six and Sebben’s 5th Birthday This Week!

Where does the time go?

Six: all da pressies are for mee!
Sebben: dat’s not troo!
Six: an only i get a cake
Sebben: nuh uh! mommee said wee each get one.
Six; yoo already ate yoors
Sebben: i did not!!!!
Six: well, yoors is gone
Six: prove it
Sebben: i’m telling mommee
LL: sigh

And now, the conclusion of Being Endangered is Such a Curse!

She who must be obeyed…
The hero of our tale emerges…
hit the fan
Won’t someone save these innocent little pandas???
Oh Bubba! Be careful!!!!
magical wand
Did Pinky just poof her little brother? Stay tuned!
But all the power in the world is nothing compared to the power of Mommee!
Bubba: wait! why am i in trubble?
I think I see a slight resemblance to a Pinky tantrum…just saying.
Everyone knows the party isn’t over till you can sit down and re-hash it!
All’s well that ends well, right? RIGHT????

I hope you enjoyed our Encore presentation of Being Endangered is Such a Curse! Have a Liddle cake to celebrate! (Not to mention all the propeller spinning on Bubba’s cap!)

Be the Bear!
Bob T Panda

It’s Sunday Funday!

I think we are coming up on Six and Sebben’s birthday, so…

so begins our tale

Wem call our liddle tale, “Being Endangered is Such a Curse!”
our story continues
Ruh Roh…
Commence propeller spin…now!
Don’t pout, Pinky!
Pinky: Why do I always have to do all the hard stuff?
You know where this is going, don’t you?
don't look now
We’re not looking….
…baby pandas! You’re getting baby pandas!!!!
just when you thought it was safe
Ruh Roh…

Well, I guess we will have to wait till next Sunday for the conclusion of this story! Look at the time!

Be the Bear!
Bob T Panda

It’s Birthday Month for The Meihems and Mr. Wu!

I thought we’d start out with one of my favorite stories of the Meihems (which, of course, include Miss Pinky Panda!) Inspired by the real life drama that took place concerning a certain bridge between NJ and NY, and involves a certain governor…

WE call it: HIGHWAY GATE!!!

George Washington Bridge lane closure satire.
Princess Pinky Bao Bao…what have you done now?
zoo atlanta, bao bao, national zoo
Time to call in …Inspector panda!
Mei xiang and bao bao try to cover up highway-gate
Inspector Panda is on the job!
“Hello, Bai Yun? this is Lun Lun…about that detective you suggested…”
…of course Boo-mints are pretty good too.
Inspector panda
Will the twins get a merit badge for their road trip? will Lun Lun fess up to where the girls are? will Inspector Panda get a clue, or at least more twitter followers. Stay tuned!
Bao Bao, washington DC cover-up
Oh, Pinky…what have you done?
Howdy, Mr Kitty, kindly tell us where a tired old cowpoke can get a boo beer and a cuppycake.

Oh that Pinky! (Plus you will notice how she managed to hijack this ‘toon series celebrating Meihem Month!)

Toon in this week to see if I actually get any new ‘toons done for this week!

Be the Bear!
Bob T Panda

There Were Never Such Devoted Sisters!

I love it when Mei Xiang and her southern belle sister Lun Lun get on the phone together!

Could there be movement from Pandalanta to the DC Panda House? We shall see!

Six and Sebben are always ready to ride!

Summer is coming and the living is easy!

Be the Bear!
Bob T Panda

What’s in a Name?

What is in a name?  Would a panda by any other name be as cute?  The Atlanta Zoo has chosen to name their newest little panda after a hollywood cartoon character.  Don’t get me wrong, I’ve seen Kung Fu Panda at least 3 times,  as we get a serious kick out of watching a CAT get his butt kicked by  a PANDA, but as this is the second panda this year to be named “Po,” isn’t that enough?  What will happen to this panda when he gets repatriated to the panda ranch in China?  Do you know how much fun the other pandas are going to make of him?  Did you ever think of THAT?????  I mean, they could have named him something more dignified like, for instance, “Bob.”

Be the Bear!

Bob T. Panda