Tag Archives: Kickstarter

It’s Inauguration Eve…

So…what’s happening? Anything special going on?

Yeah, me too. My nerves are about shot.

Here’s something to take your mind off of things: On Sunday, I alluded to a special offering that will be appearing on the Kickstarter project The Effervescent Adventures of Fight Bunny. It’s a project to bring an all ages graphic novel to life, and with only 9 days left on their campaign they are a little over $6,000 from their goal. Because 2021, I still feel the need to stab things repeatedly with very sharp needles, so I made a felty Fight Bunny, and offered it to them to help them towards reaching their funding goal.

Fight Bunny!

There will only be one Fight Bunny (because, ya know, not taking someone else’s intellectual property to make money!) Visit their project page and scroll down the page to see the reward listing (under my name, I think) to choose this unique felty. Fight Bunny is between 3-4″ tall. I think this is going to be a fun book and if the felty is out of your budget, the book is being offered both in print and as an ebook. Also FIGHT BUNNY PINS!!! Check it out!

And now, Today’s ‘toon!

Mei and Tian2 contemplate the joys of the not very empty nest. (Grizzly bears take up a lot of room!)

Panda on for at least another 24 hours!
Bob T Panda

BTW: There are some new designs on the Redbubble website! They are masks suitable for formal occasions!

While you were waiting for whatever was going to happen next week…

Well, here we are, waiting for the other shoe to drop, hoping against hope that all will be well, or at least well as to the successful completion of President Biden and Vice President Harris’ inauguration.

I thought I might take this opportunity to thank you all once again, for these last 11 years of Fun with Pandas. I decided not to do a January Kickstarter project, as right now I don’t seem to have the required energy. However, a project came across my Twitter feed that I thought some of you might be interested in.

I follow a lot of other writers, cartoonists and illustrators on Twidder, and Jennifer L Meyer is one of my favorites because BUNNIES!!! I love her drawing style. She has teamed up with Nate Cosby and Ariana Maher to create The Effervescent Adventures of Fight Bunny.

Because I can’t leave well enough alone, and because I like supporting other artists when I can, I made them an offer I was pretty sure they couldn’t refuse. If you’ve been following along here, you can probably guess what it is, so you might want to head over there first thing Monday morning to check it out. At the very least, you might decide that your home library won’t be complete without your own copy of The Effervescent Adventures of Fight Bunny

Because BUNNIES!!!!

Here are some of my ‘toons about doing Kickstarter campaigns!

and that’s what it’s all about!

Get ready…….

Says Babette de Panda: “It’s all about MOI` “


Put your paws together for the panda kindergarten!

I thought mommee hid Pinky’s magical wand!

away we go

We’re off!


Think of the next couple weeks like NPR and their pledge drives!

Be the bear! (Or maybe today it should be Be the Bun!)
Bob T Panda

Don’t forget to check out The Effervescent Adventures of Fight Bunny!!!

In celebration of pandas! (Because, duh!)

It’s time for another day of Sunday Panda Fun, because what else do we have to live for? There will be new ‘toons coming down the web this week. Huzzah!

But what to share for our Sunday Funday ‘toons…Truth to tell, I can’t remember from one week to the next which ‘toons I shared last week (although it seems that maybe Pinky took over, last week..) As I have entered a new phase of felty panda making, it seems appropriate that this week’s Sunday ‘toons should celebrate that International Panda of Mystery

Babette de Panda!!!!

Wanting to stretch my creative capabilities, I decided to make a felty Deluxe Babette, and feeling very pleased with the result, posted a picture of her on Twidder. A fan of felty pandas demanded that Babette come to live with her immediately. How could I say no?

Which leaves me in something of a quandary.

I plan on making more, as well as experimenting with some other of the as yet unrepresented pandas. I love the idea of making one of a kind pandas. It excites my muse, as it were. But how to let everyone who might want one see them… So here is what I am thinking. If people are interested, they can let me know via the contact form on the buy stuff with pandas page. I will make a list in the order people contact me.

This will not commit you to anything, other than receiving a photo of the next available panda, then saying “yes, I’d like that one”, at which time I’ll send an invoice and once it’s paid, I’ll ship within the week. Or you’ll say “no” and I’ll contact the next person on the list. I will also be posting them here, as well as on Twitter and Fezbook. (You can also contact me on Fezbook and Twidder, though I can’t guarantee I will see those messages before I see them here)

Here are the first two Babette, international Panda(s) of Mystery! Alas, these two are already spoken for!

Babette the first!

Babette, all dressed up for a costume ball!

This outfit really needed to be seen by more than one angle. 🙂

And with that in mind, let’s look at some of Babette’s early appearances!

All My Pandas……


Huzzah! More Wheel…of…PANDAS!!!

I'm not a doctor but I play one on television

I’m not a Doctor but a play one in a cartoon!

tournament of pandas parade

We call it “extra Fluffy Tuesday” around here.

Says Babette de Panda: “It’s all about MOI` “

Babette and Bee, the Bear have a “discussion”

Babette has ..um…toned her wardrobe down in honor of this important occasion.

“Madame Babette sees all!: I see cake in my…er…your future!”

Babette, in her leading lady role in Wagner’s Cuppycake cycle

As you might have gathered, Babette de Panda is quite a mentor of Pinky! Have a fun Sunday (or at least as fun as you can have during the days of Mitten’s reign of terror.) You can also have fun with cut out paper pandas, including Babette de Panda, on the Have Fun with Pandas page!

Be the Bear!
Bob T Panda

Doctor, Doctor, Give me the News

…I got a bad case of coronavirus blues!

Fortunately no (known) cases exist on Whidbey Island but I’m doing all the sensible things: staying home as much as possible (kind of easy when you are self employed and work from home), stocking up on supplies (both food and felty pandas), and watching lots of panda videos!

Speaking of felty pandas…

I am working through each group of felty panda rewards from my Kickstarter project, and will have all of them out to their new homes probably within the next 8 weeks. This is actually far ahead of schedule, for which we can thank HWMNBN for creating such an atmosphere of dire foreboding that relief through felty panda making is essential.

There has been some interest from people who either missed the Kickstarter project, or now that they have received their new felty friends, they want the rest of the characters. Once I finish with the Kickstarter pandas, I will open up to new orders, so please hold that thought. I don’t want to take a chance on requests getting lost in the shuffle.

In the meantime, did someone call for a doctor?

All My Pandas……

I'm not a doctor but I play one on television

And what could cheer you up more than Boopie and the Pandas?

Boopie and the pandas…

a morality tale…

…in several parts…

…but Boopie and the pandas live happily ever after. Ben does not.

And who could forget:

This doesn’t have anything to do with Mei Xiang, but I was looking for this one!

We hope this helped you forget about…um…everything.

Panda On!
Bob T Panda


It’s Time For Your Favorite Show!

That’s right! Welcome to another episode of Bear Talk! Those lovable grizzly bears, Frank and Mikey are back! (you can’t keep a good bear down!)

But first, I want to congratulate the folks that work at Kickstarter for successfully organizing and forming a union. Kickstarter has been the home to various projects of mine sine 2012 when I launched my first project. Since then, it’s allowed me to focus my energy to do 8 projects to bring more panda fun to you! It is a company that was formed with the excellent mission and intent, to help creative project creators bring their projects to life. The people who work there should have the same agency and rights as the creators they help, to have their work valued and their voices heard.

Meanwhile, Frank and Mikey have some things to say about the NooZ of the day!

WEll, it COULD have been a hunt of Mittens Jr.!

Be the Bear!
Bob T Panda

Still More from the Impeachment Chronicles

Just in case you were wondering, HWMNBN is still impeached and will be impeached through all of eternity and beyond. Forever. If you were, indeed, wondering. No matter how many newspapers he waves in the air (and we just don’t care) he will always be impeached. He is becoming rapidly more unhinged, if his rant at the Prayer Breakfast last week is any indication.

But we have important things to do here. We should not give in to despair, no matter how much we would like to pull the covers over our heads (believe me, I know!) The first mailing of Tiny Emotional Support Pandas went out this morning! Huzzah! Emotional support pandas are on the way!

I’ve been making different pandas randomly, as my mood takes me, and the first group to head out was the original Hold Me closer Tiny Panda group (everybody sing!). Next up will be the basic Pinky pandas. (As differentiated from Special Pinky!) Now more than ever, we all need tiny pandas!

But first, what’s happening on ZooNooZ?

What did Mr. Bun Know and when did he know it?

Hold on to your hats, panda fans!
Bob T Panda


Australia is STILL burning…

The Iowa caucuses are happening as I type. I hope we Dems can choose a candidate without crippling them. There are good things I can say about much of the pack, and I am truly sorry that Booker, Castro, and Harris are not still among them. I have my current fave, but who ever wins the Democratic nomination, that’s my candidate.

I have not been able to watch or listen to the impeachment trial proceedings, except in small doses. Adam Schiff is inspiring and it gives me some small glimmer of hope that there are still people serving this country who have our best interests at heart.

We aren’t going to get everything on our wish list in one candidate. The important thing to remember, is that I don’t think this country can survive 4 more years of HWMNBN and his band of evil minions.

Meanwhile, can we send some of our rain to Australia?

Do I smell smoke?

I’m working on my lists of happy panda recipients, and I’m hoping that my packing materials arrive soon, so I can start sending out the first group of pandas! I am happily making pandas in my little panda workshop and it is doing it’s job in keeping me off the internet quite so much! Huzzah!

Keep being the Bear!
Bob T Panda

The Year in Review! Part 4, The Year’s End…

Before we start on our last installment of the Year in Review, I want to express my thanks to all who made the Tiny Panda Kickstarter project such a success! I am already hard at work making little needle felted pandas. Once all the Kickstarter paperwork is done, and the boxes and other panda shipping materials have arrived, I will start sending each group out as they are completed over the next 4-6 months. Part of me wishes I could have a class photo of all the completed pandas together, but in addition to the packing and shipping chaos that would cause, with the national stress level predicted to skyrocket in the next, oh, say 11 months, y’all are going to need to have these pandas as much as I need to make them.

Maybe next year’s project should be a recreation of the Chinese terra cotta Warriors, done as felted pandas.

Well, the trial of the Century has started. It has the predictable lines drawn: long, careful, evidence packed testimony by the Democratic House Managers, and loud lies and obfuscations by the tRUmp lawyers. The defense straddles between “He didn’t do it,” and “it’s not a crime if he did,” not to mention, “you don’t have enough evidence” (because “we blocked you from getting it.”)


But how did we get here? Let’s dive back into the Year in review! Starting with October…

I can’t believe how accurate these ‘toons have proved to be!

It’s been a long time coming. Hope he’ll be a looooong time gone!

All together now!

If Pinky wins the 2020 election, can we have panda-gate?

On to November…

“crime” is not a verb

Oh no! There are no pandas in this cartoon!

Our favorite grizzlies are doing “The Bus”!

And in December…

Obeying Pinky is not in the Consditooshun!

Not even Pinky is above the law. And if SHE isn’t, then Mittens sure as heck isn’t either!

Aaaaaannnddd I think this pretty much sums up the Senate Trial as well:

A bear can dream, am I right?

I think Bubba is almost as good a speaker as Adam Schiff!

So, That’s our year in review! We hope you enjoyed this look back over the last 12 months and really (really) hope we survive the next 12!

Panda On!
Bob T Panda

The Year in Review Part 3

Two notes on things other than the year in review posts:

First, I was alerted to an excellent newsletter by Heather Cox Richardson, writing about the legal  and political issues of the day, in a very readable, clear manner. (In other words, if I can understand what the hell she’s talking about, pretty much anyone can.) I highly recommend subscribing to her news letter. If nothing else, maybe it will keep me out of the Twidder trenches so I can get some work done. We’re in for a wild ride, panda fans! Here’s to hoping we all survive it!

Second, my Tiny Panda Kickstarter is going swimmingly! It ends this Friday at 5 PM PST, so if you wee thinking about getting a tiny panda (or two) of your own, this is the week. There are still several panda rewards available, and should you want more than one there is both a two panda reward, or you can add another panda to the reward selected. Just message me here via the Contact Us form, or the Kickstarter message system.

Now! On with the Year in Review for July, August, and September!

Frank and Mikey return with excellent advice for hikers!

Don’t (*snorf*) look like food!

Another reminder of why “president” Mittens must not only be impeached, but also removed from office.


Pinky and her new minions get down to serious business

On to August… This seems topical!

Made by the same highly scientific company as the Cute-o-Meter!

Don’t get mad. Get even.

Even elephants are tired of the GOP’s shenanigans!


September! The back to school month!

It does not pay to be late! You don’t want to flunk cake again, do you, Boo Boo?

Another reminder of why the Senate needs to vote to remove…

Mittens: a disgrace to cat-hood

bears will be bears!

See ya next week with some new ‘toons and the wrap up of our Hold Me Closer Tiny Panda Kiscktarter!

Panda On!
Bob get-your-tiny-pandas-here T Panda

These ‘toons previously appeared on The Panda Chronicles in July/August/September of 2019

Will Democracy Collapse?

Geez…new s**t has come to light!!! Can you believe all the information that is hitting the ether? Thank goodness I have so many little pandas to felt! (you are not too late! Check it out HERE!)

Poor Bob is a bit stressed out though! Maybe he needs to take up needle felting too! Oh…wait…I am Bob. Bob is me. Where is Mehitabel? In Memorium: Mehitabel- 1996-2017


Sorry I’m “late”

Meanwhile, Mehitabel lives on in The Panda Chronicles

Reality is scary!!!

Panda on
Bob T Panda

New designs coming to Redbubble:

