It’s Fabulous Furry Friday!

Sometimes it’s easy to know what to post for Fabulous Furry Friday, and sometimes it’s not. The news continues to be depressing; more school shootings, lion killers going unindicted, the coming of daylight losing time, not to mention the lack of a MacArthur Fellowship being awarded for panda satire…

It’s enough to make a sensitive panda crawl under the covers and not come out for weeks. But there are paintings to paint, and pandas to draw. Maybe I’ll have a cuppycake and all will be well.

Or maybe I’ll just watch some panda videos. That always helps.

corporate flow chart copy 2

Yep, it's true! pandas are under contract!

Yep, it’s true! pandas are under contract!

Is it that time already?

Is it that time already?

Can Mehitabel endure the tidal wave of pandas?

Can Mehitabel endure the tidal wave of pandas?

Will Mehitabel ever free herself of pandas? Stay tuned!

Will Mehitabel ever free herself of pandas? Stay tuned!

just in time for the upcoming onslaught...a visit to Bob's First campaign!

just in time for the upcoming onslaught…a visit to Bob’s First campaign!

Be the bear!
And if you are behind on your Panda Satire reading, now would be the perfect time to stock up on all six of The Panda Chronicles Books!

Bob T Panda

6 thoughts on “It’s Fabulous Furry Friday!

  1. candygai

    I love that Bob the perpetual panda presidential candidate. Persistence must pay off, or be a source for perpetual humour. Teehee.

    I am intrigued though, was there an incarnation of your work without pandas? One with Miss Mehitabel in her rightful role as star, with a few supporting roles for “B” list kitties?

    I’ m sure Princess Pinky wouldn’t mind giving up the spotlight for you to publish those on the 7th edition. Hmm. ?Poof.?Who turned off the lights?and why isn’t my laptop?…where are the cuppy???

    1. Panda in Chief Post author

      Yes, there were several incarnations of cartoons before pandas. The first was Cat’s Pajamas, which was mostly just some labels I made for some food gifts that I used to make when all my time wasn’t taken up by um…pandas. Then there was Politics on the Prowl, featuring cats running for office. This was back in the previous millennium when a friend was running for county commissioner. I will have to find those and run them some time. Then Way Better Than Working cartoons originally began with mehitabel and the …um…back up kitty who is no longer with us. I believe, though I can’t prove, that Mehitabel put a contract out on her and tied a porkchop on her head and sent her out to play with the coyotes. Mehitabel is not to be messed with. Pandas should take note.

  2. Jeanie

    Hmmm, it seems to me that all roads lead to cuppycakes in the organizational chart. Corporate America should take note! Bob’s banner is just the BEST. Cars across the nation should sport these on their bumpers. It will make me smile to see a panda in a party hat the next time I’m in a traffic jam. “When you vote for pandas, it’s always a party!” Truer words have never been spoken.

    1. Panda in Chief Post author

      All roads SHOULD lead to cuppycakes. Sounds like I need to design a new bumpersticker. I’ll get right on that! Because we are going to need a lot of cake to get through the next 12 months.


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