Category Archives: Baby pandas

I’m pretty sure I need one of these.

Imagine! I could be taking a nap on the couch, and just when I need to wake up, it would come over and nudge me, bringing me a cold drink and a snack! I realize these inventions are created for people with mobility issues, but what a boon for the laziest among us!!! I think I need another nap! Binky! fetch me a soda!

One small step for pandas!

I welcome our robot overlords!!!

Be the bear!
Bob T Panda

The Exciting Finale of Pinky’s Dream…

Or IS it????

when dreams become nightmares!

What does this mean for the Panda Chronicles! Has PPJ (Princess Pinky Junior) arrived out of an alternative future to live with all the pandas at the Panda House? And now Beary Poppins has gone off on vacation? Is Mei doomed to a never emptying nest?

Stay ‘tooned to the Panda Chronicles to find out!

This Doctor Panda is on the job at the Nationwide Children’s Hospital in Columbus Ohio! As you can see, they have excellent credentials!!!

Be the Bear!
Bob T Panda

Bikkie has a Name!!!

Yes, we are in the middle of Beary Poppins and I *MIGHT* have left him tied to a chair, thanks to a little bit of…um…high spirits from Six and Sebben, bless their hearts!


The holiday shopping season is upon us, and while who on your list wouldn’t want felty pandas, I have a couple of suggestions of some wonderful things being made by some of my artist/artisan friends here on Whidbey Island.

These are things I have acquired for myself, so I can definitely attest to their general awesomeness.

The first are the products made by Silly Dog Studio in Langley. We all are thinking more about creating less waste in the products that we use, and there are a number of shampoo bars on the market now. Silly Dog also makes a hand lotion bar, as well as some other products, and are about to release a dish soap bar, which I am very eager to try. I’ve been using their shampoo bar for about 3 weeks, and they are lovely. They are scented with things like mint and rosemary, and mint and lavender, which they grow on their small, just out of downtown Langley lot.They dry the plants and then extract the essential oils, and then make the soaps, shampoos, lotions, etc. Sounds like a lot of work to this panda, and I’d much rather have them do it. You can find their products here.

And who doesn’t love their logo, for all you silly dog fans!

Silly name, wonderful products! Tell them the panda sent you!

I moved to Whidbey Island in 1989, following in the footsteps of one of my good friends from graduate school, sculptor Georgia Gerber. She and her husband Randy had a daughter, Laura, who eventually grew up and went to art school and became a painter and a printmaker.  After grad school, and meeting and marrying her sweetheart, Laura and Victor moved back to the island, had a couple kids of their own and moved down the road from mom and dad. In addition to her paintings, Laura also does some pretty cool prints on t-shirts, kitchen towels, table linens, kids clothes, etc.

She doesn’t have a website at the moment (it’s under construction) what with keeping up with her kids, her painting and production printing, and her husband Victor, but you can find her work on Instagram, and probably arrange to buy it there and maybe bug her a little bit about getting her website up and running. Ha ha. Don’t do that. At least don’;t tell her I told you to bug her.

An assortment of kitchen towels. She has all sorts of animals on her products. I happen to be fond of the chickens.

But enough with the shopping! What about today’s news about Biscuit’s official name and today’s ‘toon????

Wait no longer! Biscuit’s official Chinese name is Xiao Qi Ji, which means little miracle! 

Bikkie has a name!!!!

Panda on!
Bob T Panda

Beary Poppins! The Magic Begins!

There is too much crazy and not enough time to comments, but I’m sure if you really want to know what I thinks, you can find it on Twitter. So much CRAZY!

Meanwhile, at the Pinksonian Zoo..

It’s a boy!!!!

Pinky: I could fix dat if Mommee would give me my magical wand back!

Ahem…anyway, get out the poppy cron! it’s time for…

Beary Poppins, Episode 2!

I can hardly stand the suspense! Who will play Beary Poppins???

Be the bear
Wear your mask
Keep your distance in public
Don’t go to Mittens’ parties!

Bob T Panda

oh yeah…AND VOTE!!!!

I’m Sure Mommee Mei Won’t Suspect a Thing!

Uh oh! Pinky tries to pull a fast one!

Will she get away with it?

What do YOU think???

Pinky: first you tell me I CAN’T cubpaign in da zoo, now you won’t let me LEAVE!!!

Be the Bear!
Minch McTurtle is a hypocrite to the 1000th degree!
Bob T Panda

Get Out Your Handkerchiefs

Do I need to supply trigger warnings? I don’t know…it does have a happy ending, if I’m not revealing too much!

The AQI (Air Quality Index) is at 163 as I write this. Portland OR’s AQI has been bouncing between 300+ to well over 500. 😳 This is not good. Haven’t they (we) suffered enough? And now our smokey air has spread all the way yo the east coast!

Good thing Mei is staying in with little Sweet Pea XT4.

Mommee Mei always knows the right thing to do and say!

Be the Bear!
Bob T Panda

Our Newest Baby Panda is 3 Weeks Old!

The West is on fire, the pandemic is still raging, and our so-called “president” is raving. The only bright spot in the world at large is baby panda season! Our own Baby P (aka XT4, aka Four, aka Sweet Pea), born to the REAL power couple in DC, is now 3 weeks old. No news about prince or princess designation, Mommee Mei only relinquishes her cubby at night when she feels certain her treasure will not be plundered.

To celebrate (and to forget, at least for a few minutes, all that is wrong in the world) I’d like to share some baby panda ‘toons from the archives.

Enjoy the ‘toons! Reality will still be there when you’re done. (darn!!)

“Howdy do! I’m Mr. Wu! Who are you?”

Did we also mention that next Saturday is “Talk Like a Pirate Day”?

Yo ho ho and a bottle of BooBeer!

Mr wu is up the creek without a paddle…

An explorer’s work is never done.

Pinky tests her powers….

National Zoo cub makes mom Mei Xiang disappear


Princess Pinky is fooled by Mei Xiang at the National Zoo

Oh Princess Pinky, mom has a trick or two up her paw, I think…

Atlanta twin panda cubs Mei Lun and Mei Huan and older prother Po

Huzzah! a guest appearance by little Po!

Just a reminder what Mei Xiang could be in for…

Never say “No” to a Pinky!

PP: um, dis is not going to interrupt my presidential campaign, is it?

He’s small for now, but Bubba Bei Bei is shaping up to be a whole lot of panda!

I didn’t THINK that Pinky knew the “share” word.


Panda on!
Bob T Panda

A One Week Bearday Present For XT4

XT4 had their first one week Bearday on Friday, and is growing by leaps and bounds!  Mommee Mei has not left the baby long enough for the nannies to swoop in and do a quick well cubby check, and take a little (very little) cheek swab so they can do a DNA test and we can find out what sort of royalty we are dealing with.

In honor of this auspicious occasion, we have not ONE but TWO brand new ‘toons. There is a lot of scary stuff happening out there. We need to take a deep breath, remember that Mittens is a scared, cornered animal, and we need to plan to be brave and vote him out. We need to talk whoever needs, off the ledge. Remind them we are not (yet) powerless, and to VOTE. (Preferably for Joe Biden and Kamala Harris.) There are no “safe” states this year, where we can make a protest vote or worse, stay home. besides, there are state and local races and they are important too. It doesn’t take much time or effort to look them up on the inter webs. see what they say, and better yet, see who supports them and what THEY have to say.

But somewhere at the beginning of this long diatribe, I promised you BOTH a new ‘toon…the first ‘toon about our newest cubby, along with the conclusion of Bubba’s story of stocking up on “essentials”.

So here we go!!!!!!!!

A new cubby! The possibilities are endless!

And Bubba learns what goes around, comes around!

Just how much toilet paper does an ELEPHANT use????

Panda on!
Bob T Panda is watching the Panda Cam

Today is Pinky’s Birthday…oh, and some other stuff happened too

What week we had! We could almost (almost) ignore the rantings of HWMNBN while we basked in the good feeling glow of the Democratic National Convention. And if that was not enough…

We…have…a…new…baby PANDA!!!!!

Pinky: ahem

Yes, Pinky, we KNOW today is your birthday.

While we wait until I have a chance to create the introductory ‘toon to welcome our new arrival, we do have one or two (ahem!) more ‘toons to celebrate the birthdays of Pinky and Bubba. Mei Xiang, panda mom extraordinaire, had her fourth surviving cub* on Friday, August 21st at 6:35 PM.  Do you think she planned so that these 3 siblings would have their birthdays on three consecutive days?

Happy Birthday Pinky and Bubba! Happy Birth day XT4!!!!

The Spirit of Halloweens yet to come is not a spirit to be messed with, right?

What the well dressed panda cub is wearing this season!

How IS this different from Pinky’s normal bossiness?

Bubba is having so much fun with his new friends!

Hey! Where did Bubba and Mr. Bun go?

Pinky is just so sensitive….

Oh, Mr. Bun! Where have you been?

Did Unka Justin write this letter?

What goes around, comes around…

Pinky, do you really think that Bubba will fall for this?

Mommee Mei puts her foot down.

Oh those red pandas! They are such characters!

The following group of ‘toons were written more than one and a half years ago. They don’t seem quite so far fetched NOW, do they?

Who would ever imagine Pinky would do something to offend someone? #ClapLouder

Mebbee Bubba and Ping Ping can help…

Mittens can’t really do that, can he?

Mittens did WHAT??????!!!!????

Dis. Will Not. STAND!!!!!

I don’t want to end on this somewhat depressing note…off to look for one more ‘toon about Pinky and Bubba!

Watch out, Bubba! Pinky is on the loose!

Panda On!
Bob T Panda

  • Mei Xiang had a cub that only survived a few hours in 2012, a still born twin to Pinky (Pinky: it was NOT my fault!) and a twin to Bubba who lived 4 days.